The data provider receives a DTN token for data transfer. Buyer pays DTN to use this data. Decentralization ensures the uniqueness and uniqueness of data that is never deleted or duplicated. A more detailed description of project activity can be found on the project's website. How will this work? The applicant issued a survey showing target data such as age, sex, location, salary, etc. Conditions to be checked, smart contracts in the data market. The applicant stores the DTN token in trust for payment to the vendor in response to the survey. Vendors conduct surveys and bring them to the data market. The results of the data are analyzed in accordance with intelligent contract rules and transfer requests or irregularities. If conditions are met, the payment is transferred from the trust account to the data provider. When DTN is released from a trust account, a small commission pays to the datareum network. Their quality is very important in the data m...