Blockchain has changed the internet. This new and ingenious innovation allows blocks of information and data to be disseminated in the ledger without the involvement of the central authority, but with the basic need that the information must be approved by members. This makes information open and safe. Blockchain innovation can be used for preferred positions in distributed cloud computing which is the reason why the HIVENET project has adopted the use of blockchain in its new project.
At present the development of technology and the internet continues to develop and has reached a sustainable stage, where everyone can use and even develop their own technology. In this modern era, computers are needed to complete various tasks, ranging from easy to difficult and complicated tasks. By relying on computers, humans can complete their tasks more quickly and efficiently. It is conceivable that without using a computer, it can take days or even months for companies to manage their files.
But lately due to the increasing number of tasks assigned to computers, individuals and companies have begun to rely on computer networks or rather "Cloud Computing Network". By relying on this network, they can save costs, efficiency, speed, and even productivity. With the help of cloud computing, a company can complete various tasks quickly and at an affordable price. Therefore, many global companies have begun to use cloud computing as their "partner".
HiveNet is a Distributed Cloud Computing Network, which connects computers around the world to perform valuable computing tasks. Can you imagine your computer making money while you sleep?
HiveNet turns your computer's idle time into income!
During this time, your computer's power is leased safely to paying customers who do their calculations (eg Scientific research, weather forecasts, big data analysis).
here are the reasons why to choose HiveNet;
As a computer owner, you can get additional income.
How long do you usually use a computer? 5 hours? 8 hours? there will be times when your computer is not used for a long time, for example when you are sleeping or traveling. HiveNet allows you to make money while you sleep, by sending several tasks to your computer. All that is needed is a computer and an internet connection.
HiveNet services are cheaper than popular cloud computing platforms.
Many cloud computing services currently charge quite expensive for its users. However, HiveNet is different, in addition to offering expensive fees to users, HiveNet offers lower prices than competitors. This is possible because HiveNet uses resources from users, without the need to buy and maintain their equipment. This is what makes the price of HiveNet services cheaper than competitors.
Offering its own cryptocurrency - HiveCoin - is suitable as a long-term investment.
This is what makes HiveNet "a little" different from similar platforms. HiveNet offers cryptocurrency, HiveCoin. By utilizing this cryptocurrency, HiveNet can form an ecosystem that makes HiveCoin a "fuel" that supports the operation of the platform. HiveNet uses HiveCoin to pay for computing power within HiveNet, which can be exchanged by users on an exchange or they can save it as an investment.
Eco-friendly service.
As explained earlier, HiveNet uses computers that are available on the HiveNet network. With this, HiveNet does not need to buy a computer or use large resources. So HiveNet operations have fewer resources used and less electronic waste created.
This is what is currently being developed by HiveNet, an ecosystem that connects computers from all over the world and makes it a reliable cloud computing.
Manifest HiveNet
Computer Owner
How many hours per day do you really use your computer?
Just imagine that your computer is profitable for the rest of the day. HiveNet makes it possible by giving valuable computing tasks to pay customers to your computer.
All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
HiveNet is much cheaper than traditional cloud computing. How? Because many important cost levers that apply to traditional providers (eg Amazon Web Services) do not apply to HiveNet, because they use the available computer idle time. So, there is no need to invest in new computers, housing and many other operational costs.
Crypto Trader
HiveNet has an inherent cryptocurrency: HiveCoin. HiveCoins is used to pay for computing power in HiveNet. With this, ongoing demand for HiveCoins is ensured and will create one of the few cryptocurrency with real and fundamental value, which provides traders with excellent short-term and long-term opportunities.
HiveNet increases the use of available computers. Thus less resources are consumed to build new computers and less electronic waste is created.
Also, HiveNet Blockchain uses a very economical Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which saves more resources than most available blockchain.
How it works

User Client
The HiveNet User Client is the user’s all-in-one tool and includes the computing, blockchain and wallet software modules. It enables an easy and user-friendly handling without the need for profound technological know-how.
HiveNet Blockchain
The HiveNet Blockchain is secured by a highly efficient
Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. It is specifically optimized for the HiveNet and combines high security with fast transactions.
HiveNet Task Management System
The HTMS is the core technology of the HiveNet’s decentralized cloud computing network. It ensures the optimal orchestration of customer tasks, the secure validation of computing results and the fair payment of computer owners.
Presale tokens will begin on September 24th, so you will have the opportunity to buy a HiveCoins perspective with good value. You will be able to buy tokens at a cost of 0.06 USD / HNT from 24 September to 7 October. Then the price will rise gradually. With the start of IEO / public sales, tokens will be sold at a cost of 0.08 USD / HNT.

This project is good and I recommend investing because it will be a future project that will be very useful for all of us, and the article that I created will help you to understand more about the HIVENET project and for more details, please visit the link below:
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